Cosmic Experiences form the bedrock of Swamy Omkarnandas preachings to this mankind. Swamiji was a Divine Child, in that His Guru was His own Father, revered and respected in the village and by followers all over the globe. As a youngster he grew in a environment of a highly spiritually evolved father and grandfather, in pursuit of that Supreme Being. This book narrates the experiences during sadhana and interactions with nature and the Vast Significant Open Space. Utradhum are anecdotes real- life incidents and Unarndadhu pertain to experiences, which are born out of deep penance and Divine Grace. A neem tree served him with devotion during his penance. Swamiji narrates his experience and interaction with 7 crabs that were getting cooked in a vessel in this neighborhood. His encounter with the souls of the crabs gives us a unique glimpse into the final moment of departure from this world. His experiences with the Guru, the Supreme Being and how that Force is always with him are narrated in detail. This book, running to over 600 pages is a rare insight into Swamijis Divine Persona.
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