This book constitutes a compilation of a series of lectures on the sixth Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita given by H.H. Swamy Omkaranandaji to a select audience of ardent disciples of Omkara Ashram. The sixth chapter on Dhyana Yoga is highly regarded by great saints. SantJnaneshwar Maharaj says, This (Chapter Six) is the utmost limit of the ocean of wisdom; or it opens the rich treasure of the grandeur of Yoga. Sri Aurobindo in his Essays on the Gita says, The closing words of the Dhyana Yoga contain in themselves the seed of the rest, of that which remains unspoken and is nowhere else entirely spoken; for it always remains something of a mystery and a secret, brahmarahasyam, the highest spiritual mystery and the divine secret. Swamiji, in this book, discusses both extensively and exhaustively the need for that super-intelligence or a faculty that can discriminate between real and unreal. This faculty blossoms after elaborate inner and outer space preparations viz, the mind and the body. This book on Dhyana Yoga running to over 450 pages delineates the manner in which to master the mind and the senses to pursue dhyana (the penultimate stage of Ashtanga Yoga) and attain samadhi or Satchitananda.
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